Homecoming 2018: “A great experience”
On October 6, the students at Jenison High School seemed to have a great time at Homecoming 2018. For some people, this was their first experience at a Jenison dance. For others that have been to a dance here, it is something they forward to all school-year. The theme for this year’s homecoming was for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A lot of students said it was a great experience to be a part of.
Homecoming is a great time to be with a big or small group of friends and be able to dress up and spend time with each other. It is a great time to bust out all of your dance moves and jam out to some of the DJ’s music. It wasn’t just a great opportunity for us, it was also great for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We raised so much money ($15,000) for the foundation. With that, they will be able to fund these children with unfortunate medical conditions.
The student body seemed to really love this year’s theme for homecoming. 16 out of 16 people I asked said it was a really cool idea and opportunity to help the foundation. The way they decorated the dance resembled the kid’s wishes and was a really cool way to bring awareness to the organization and children.
Student Council Member, Sydney Addington, said, “Yes, I liked the theme this year. It was such a cool experience to be a part of.”
Something that some students noticed was the music not being very good. You couldn’t really dance to all of the songs and not everyone knew the lyrics to most of the songs played.
Student at JHS, Leah DeRitter, said, “It wasn’t as hype as it should have been.”
Even though not all of the music was the best, people still had fun dancing and making the most of it. People said they had the most fun when they were in groups of people pretending to sing along to lyrics and doing Fortnite dances.
Leah DeRitter said, “Being with people who participated in the dancing made it a lot more fun.”
For new students to Jenison and students that have been to school dances here before, they all said that they enjoyed school dances at Jenison and would want to go to the next one.
New student a JHS, Rebecca Zeitman, said, “I will definitely come to another school dance here again!”
Even if not everything went as planned, most participants of the dance seemed to have a great time this year!
This dance was amazing for everyone involved; the students, the school, and Make-A-Wish. It was very eye-opening to many and brought a lot of attention to something important. So many people at the dance found a way to have fun dancing and it seemed to overall be a huge success. It was worth looking forward to.

Lily is a junior at JHS. She is involved in the marching band and plays the piccolo. In her free time, she plays kickball with her team, be with her 2...