Homecoming, just add community
Another year another homecoming as they say!
Homecoming is a tradition as old as time at Jenison High School and this year is no exception. There is an aura of excitement in the air as those involved in the football game prepare themselves for months and everyone is about ready for the dance. The floats are ready to be shown off and a crown is patient while it awaits its new king.
There are a couple of things everyone always wonders this time of year. People want to know the theme, who’s going to be the new king, and how is the student body feeling about the dance this year. To answer these questions, I had the opportunity to talk with a few exceptional students from Jenison’s student body who participate in student council, theatre, athletics, and, of course, hold academics above all.
The all-important question surrounding most homecomings is, of course, the theme. The theme can make or break a homecoming depending on how the student body feels about it. A great theme gains the support of the student body and it shows. I asked junior student council rep. Izzy Krzewski about this year’s theme and her response was, “I feel like we have a really good theme…. GAME SHOWS! All of the floats are really cool and creative.” Each class received a different game show to make a float on. The seniors have The Wheel of Fortune, juniors have Supermarket Sweep, sophomores have Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, and the freshman have the Price is Right. I definitely have to agree with Izzy that this theme is great and seeing how each class’ float turns out excites me.
The reason homecoming is possible every year is because of the countless people in the school and the community who help with everything from the parade to the game to the dance. “I know everyone in the community has been putting in a lot of work to make things happen, and it’s always cool to watch that hard work pay off,” says senior student council and homecoming rep. Drew Bobldyke. Everyone always works hard this time of year and it looks to be yet another homecoming for the books. By the sounds of it, the study body feels good about homecoming this year.
We’ve already heard how awesome the theme is this year, but to see how some of the students felt I talked to senior Drew Bobldyke again. He said, “As a senior, I think this homecoming game/dance will mean a lot more to me than it has in previous years. It will be a bittersweet experience.” As a fellow senior, I completely agree with this statement and can already feel the bittersweetness brewing.
Jenison has cool has always had the best homecomings, and this year will be no exception and everyone looks forward to it.

Nick is currently a senior at Jenison High School. He participates in football, hockey, golf, festival of plays, and has done DECA in the past. Nick enjoys...