Does technology make us more alone?

The technology could be taking over our lives. This topic can help others realize how they need to spend more time with their families and friends. Technology can make us become less social with each other. It can also make us become more isolated and can make us more distracted by things going on around us.
It is possible for technology to make us less social. This can happen by going on our phones throughout the day instead of talking with others. Communicating with each other is more important than sending Snapchat streaks. “Great use of the internet was associated with declines in participants’ communication with family members in the household, declines in the size of their social circle, and increases in their depression and loneliness,” says Steve Rose, an addiction counselor, and former academic researcher. But, technology can be a great way to get in contact with people (for people who don’t like talking face to face).
Using technology, it can also make us become more isolated. This can happen by people, for example, being in love with video games. This could cause them to not want to hang out with their friends. People could lose focus on their families and make video games their top priority. “Social media can also make people feel like they’re missing out on meaningful social events, leading to feelings of exclusion, stress, and insecurity.” says a writer for the GCF Global. But, it can also help people feel more connected with their families. For example, someone could be studying abroad and they could use technology to get in touch with them.
Technology can make us distracted by the things going on around us. “Distractions from technology also subtly impact how you solve problems, adapt, and think. For instance, you might check an online resource to read about something that you see on television. When you do this, it takes your attention away from the program while also reducing your brain’s ability to rely on its memory.” says a writer for The Tech Portal. Then again, technology could also make us more focused. For example, when some people use music to focus on schoolwork.
Being on technology too much can have an impact on people’s mental and physical health. “Advancements in technology allow people to be more connected than ever, but this may come at a price. Overuse of social media and mobile devices have been linked to eyestrain, difficulty focusing on other tasks, and depression,” says Jon Johnson, a writer for Medical News Today. But, it could be the complete opposite for others.
Technology can have a big impact on anyone and everyone. Technology can make us become less social with each other. It can make us become more isolated, and can also make us more distracted with what’s going on around us. It can also have an impact on people’s mental and physical health. Being on technology too much can impact our relationships with each other.

Ana Gonzalez.
Ana is a senior.
Ana is involved in Orchestra and also works at the YMCA.