Class experience in college
How are high school classes different from high school classes?
Sadhvi Mathur, a writer at CollegeVine reveals teachers teach high school and professors teach college. “On the one hand, teachers are professional educators whose passion is to teach the youth of tomorrow. Even if they’re not experts on the subject that they are teaching, they are wholly committed to teaching well and helping their students succeed.” Professors that teach college students are experts on what they are teaching. They have taken classes to learn more about that subject so they can teach it to others that don’t know much about it.
Why is it important to do your homework?
Research shows homework is something that students should do. Suzanne Capek Tingley, Veteran Educator, M.A. degree discovers that Harris Cooper, a Duke professor thinks homework is a good thing for students to do. “He recommends following a “10 minute rule”: students should receive 10 minutes of homework per day in first grade, and 10 additional minutes each subsequent year, so that by twelfth grade they are completing 120 minutes of homework daily.” Doing homework helps you be more successful in academics. The older you get the more difficult subjects you learn about. That means when you’re older, getting more homework will help you. It will help you by giving you more practice on that subject so you can better understand that subject too.
What are the best studying tips for college?
Genevieve Carlton, Ph. D., a contributing writer finds that studying in a group may help others. It may help people better understand things that they are not sure about. “Alternatively, you can create a study group if none are available. Reach out to students in your class and schedule a meeting, then discuss your goals and how you’d like to organize the group.” Studying with students in the same class will help others. It will help them better understand what they are learning. Studying will also be way easier because they also know what you’re learning too.
When is a good time to ask for help on homework?
One of the best times to do homework is when you get back home from school. According to Marissa Burke, an author, reveals “When the kids come home and head straight into homework, the work of the day is fresh in their minds. It can be easier to help them understand problems being asked or to recall suggestions from their teachers.” Doing homework right after school helps you not procrastinate. It can also make you feel better so you can get it all done and not have to worry about it later on at night.
Where can you go to get the most studying done?
According to Scott Winstead, E-learning Evangelist, Education Technology Expert, and an LMS expert, there are a lot of good places to study and be able to focus. One good place to study is the local library. “It’s quiet, it has plenty of table space with comfortable chairs or benches (and even couches in some libraries!), and best of all – there are no distractions.” The library is open for anyone and it’s not a first come first serve kinda thing.
Who do you talk to if you need advice about which classes to take?
Whenever you need advice or help on college classes, talk to an academic advisor. They help you figure out what classes you want to take or sign up for. Studies have found “Whether it’s one of your professors or a member of your college’s academic advising team (or both), you should have someone available to you who can help you choose your courses. Even though it’s largely on you to make sure you’re meeting your major requirements, your academic advisor should help you do that and can offer advice when picking electives,” said Sheridan C. Watkins, CollegeXpress Student Writer.
About the Contributor

Kayla Winkle, Staff Writer
Kayla Winkle
Kayla is in 12th Grade
Kayla is involved in Tennis
She enjoys hanging out with family and friends in her free time