DECA competitors get ready for upcoming state competition

DECA competitors get ready for upcoming state competition
Michigan DECA state competition. A time of jitters and butterflies, as business students prepare for a big competition. Students from all over Michigan competing in various business fields. This year, DECA states will be in Detroit, Michigan on March 10th through the 12th, 2022. It is an exciting time of competition, coming up around the corner very fast.
From the looks of it this year could be an interesting year of competition. Lets hear from the experts about their advice for DECA competitors.


The time before is everything. From the written paper entry to practicing pitching the idea. There are many ways  you can prepare for DECA states. One of the most beneficial ways to prepare for the competition is to pick out your clothing. It has to look business professional, but should not be distracting
“The best attire to wear for people competing in DECA is business professional. Stay conservative, you do not want anything that will distract the judge. Jewelry should be limited, if wearing earrings avoid large dangling styles. You can go wrong with the traditional navy, black and gray colors. Pay attention to details such as business socks and shoes. Spend time grooming, a polish clean look is a must,” says Mr. Hunt, a DECA advisor for Jenison.


DECA advisors are one of you most crucial people to get help from with DECA. They should know almost everything and give you advice on what you should change or apply. These are the people you should most definitely use. They are going to be most beneficial when trying to do the best at this state competition.
“Confidence and creativity are key! Use the DECA acronym- D: define performance indicators, E: give example, C: relate to case, A: add spice.”
If you are in DECA at Jenison High School, you have the benefit of having 2 advisors, Mrs. Whittecar, and Mr. Hunt. It is crucial that you not only get advice from one advisor, but from both advisors. This is to make sure that you are performing the best you can. Mr. Hunt has a crucial piece of advice he would like to pass on to students in DECA.
“Spend time preparing ahead of time! It’s normal to feel nervous going into the competition, however the more you prepare ahead of time the less nervous you’ll be during the competition. More importantly, HAVE FUN! Students attending will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of people from around the state. Network and make friends you never know where it may take you in the future. Be conscious of how you carry yourself. Remember you are not only representing yourself, but you are representing Jenison as well. The adults at the conference are all professionals and could possibly create a future opportunity for you.”

 What to Look Forward To?

DECA state competition is not only a competition but it is a time of travel and meeting new people. The entire trip is a business vacation, and who doesn’t have a favorite part of a vacation? When asked about a specific part of the trip, Mrs. Whittecar responded with this.
“This year I’m just really looking forward to being with everyone as a chapter in person and getting excited at the opening and awards ceremonies.”
DECA states is a once in a lifetime opportunity that is right around the corner. Competitors make sure you are ready for this competition and have lots of fun this year.
For those involved in DECA use these points of advice to your advantage in the competition. If you are not involved with DECA, join next year and experience this amazing opportunity.