Students gather to pray for Jenison Public Schools
The prayer walk at Jenison High School lasted from 10-11:30 in the morning on Saturday, January 22. At the same time the prayer walk was going on at Jenison, Hudsonville was doing the same thing at their school. At the prayer walk, people prayed for protection, the community, leaders in our schools, and the students that attend everyday.
Most of the students who went to the prayer walk are a part of the prayer group every morning before school. The prayer group tends to start at 7:40-7:45 and goes until 7:55. This student-led group prays for the mental health of the student body and teachers. They also pray for themselves to grow in their faith, and for others to grow to Christ. “If you are ever feeling lost in life, just come and see what happens and see how God will transform your life,” says Mia Palma. Mia is a junior at Jenison who has dedicated herself to spread the gospel and direct others towards God.
Seeing a group of people who care enough to pray for our school isn’t something you encounter very often.
Along with students, there were also ministry leaders and leaders of our school who went. Dr. Graham, the superintendent of Jenison Public Schools, went to the prayer walk to pray for the schools.
“Personally my faith is rooted in prayer,” says Dr. Graham. “I love our school system, I love the students here, and I love the staff. So I think it’s extremely important for me and my faith to pray for those people.”
Students and leaders in Jenison weren’t the only people who went to the prayer walk though.
Lucas Theodore, a sophomore who goes to Concord High School in Boyne City, came to pray as well. Lucas was in town visiting his cousin Seth Conner, who is a freshman at Jenison High School.
When asked why he thought it was important to pray for our schools, his response was, “I think it’s a great opportunity for ministry. And it can be a dark place, but there’s a lot of people that need to be saved and can be saved.”
The prayer group that goes on in the morning is a great way to stay connected with a group of believers. Everyday they strive to pray as a group. Going to the prayer group is a healthy way to start off the day with a great mindset. Brooke Hodges is a freshman at Jenison High School. She participates in the prayer group in the morning.
“Coming to the prayer group every morning and coming to the prayer walk has helped me grow in my faith and reach out to more people outside of church,” states Brooke. “It’s important to pray because change starts with prayer. And if anyone has the power to change things, it’s God.”
If you need someone to pray for you, or you want to pray for our schools, come to the prayer group. Even if you need someone reliable to talk to, the students involved with the prayer group would be happy to.
The prayer walk that took place on the 22nd is the start of something great. God can and will do amazing things through this school district. He has a plan far greater than any of us could imagine. Take time to pray for our schools and our community.
About the Contributor

Makayla Meeuwsen, Staff Writer
Makayla Meeuwsen is a freshman at Jenison High School. She plays basketball, plays the alto saxophone in band, and loves to run.