Technology and what it does to us
Technology harms our mental health, physical health, and our social ability.
Our phones are meant to bring people together and make each-other happy, but it does the opposite. Our technology is how we communicate with one another and it is meant to be helpful.
Our phones pull us in and away from socializing with friends or family. Technology and social media isolates people and creates a new normal for them. Where as back then if you needed to contact someone you had to go to someones door or call them on a wall phone. Technology now creates more social anxiety and isolation.
In “Negative effects of technology What to know” Jon Johnson says
“A 2017study in young adults aged 19–32 years found that people with higher social media use were more than three times as likely to feel socially isolated than those who did not use social media as often”
Others might say their phone is how they communicate with their friends and family, but they are a health risk.
Now parents get their children technology at a young age, which is not good for their development.
“Children’s brains are still developing and may be more sensitive to the effects of technology and its overuse than adult brains.” Jon Johnson wrote in Negative effects of technology: What to know it says
Some people would say technology is the new entertainment for their children, but it is not. Parents should stick to building blocks and doll houses because it is healthier and it creates better habits.
Technology impacts our physical and mental health including eyestrain and sleep problems. Anxiety and depression rises due to social media and technology. Looking at a screen so much hurts our eyes and even our posture while looking at a phone.
John Johnson wrote in Negative effects of technology: What to know it say, “People who perceived that they had more negative social interactions online and who were more prone to social comparison experienced higher levels of depression and anxiety.”
Some might say theres nothing wrong with technology and that it helps them.
Technology ruins relationships and creates more awkwardness between people.
“In hundreds of comments, students talked about how technology was often intruding in their relationships. Taylor wrote:
I often find myself surrounded by people staring at their phones and I am even guilty of doing it. I think if one person is staring at their phone, everyone else tends to do it, whether it be self consciously or just in order to avoid an awkward situation.” in Does technology make us more alone?
Others might say thats how people hang out now.
Technology created a new way of socializing to connect people but it creates more loneliness. People glue thereselves to their phone and it makes It frustrating to talk to someone. It is unusual to talk to someone face to face now because people do it over text instead.
Technology impacted this generation as it gets better and it will continue to upgrade and create more loneliness within people. Technology causes mental and physical health to decline.

Anna is a senior at Jenison high school and attends the CTC for graphic design. Anna plays soccer and loves to paint. Anna also likes to hang out with...