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What you should know before hopping on a motorcycle

What you should know before hopping on a motorcycle

With the growing trend of riding motorcycles going on. Before hopping on and riding there are certain aspects you should consider.

There are many main factors before riding a bike. Including the rules of the road, where you live, and preparation before you start. You also have to take into account the dangers of riding a motorcycle.

Who is allowed to do the very popular lane splitting?

Many people think you can lane split wherever and whenever you want, but this is not the case. Expert lawyer and owner of The Barnes Firm, Rich Barnes, explained how “California is the only state where lane splitting is legal. One of the main reasons for lane splitting in California is its ability to reduce traffic congestion, a desirable outcome in large cities.” The Barnes Firm explains that lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides between 2 vehicles, squeezing between them down the middle. This is a risky maneuver but it can help out the flow of traffic and allow bikers to ride more relaxing. Now unless you’re in California you should not be lane-splitting. I wouldn’t even recommend doing it in California at all.

Where should lane splitting be legal?

Well, we already know that it’s only allowed in California but why not other places? Barnes already explains that the reason for it is because of the mass amounts of traffic jams and such. But that happens in plenty of places so why California? The Barnes Firm tells us that other states have also tried such as New York, Montana, and Utah. But it didn’t end up getting passed because of the amount of dangers involved. So to answer the question of where it should be legal, it’s only in crazy California.

What amount of protection should be required for riders?

You may see a lot of people who ride with nothing but a tee shirt and shorts. That is not at all what should be worn. According to thrillist, riding a motorcycle is not as easy as it seems. You can’t hop on and start driving on the road. You need lots of things such as the right bike, the gear required, and making sure you learn from any mistakes you make. This means wearing the right gear and making sure you’re ready and prepared. The main parts of protection needed are a helmet, durable pants, a shirt that’s rip-proof or thick, and gloves. These are all important in making sure you stay safe while on the road.

When should someone start riding a motorcycle?

A motorcycle requires a lot more preparation than you think. “You can’t just hop on a bike and go. Trust me. I was 18 the first time I attempted to drive a motorcycle… which I promptly crashed,” says Nick Hilden writer for thrillist and The Washington Post.  There is more to it, it’s not only being able to ride you have to take courses to practice and get your identification. “Why take the course before you buy a bike? Not only does it ensure that you actually know how to ride the thing, but it allows you to get the M license and license plates necessary to drive it legally,” says Hilden. So before you start riding all around, make sure you’re ready and have all the requirements.

Why is the safety of a motorcycle so controversial?

You will hear lots of different things from different people on motorcycles. From there it’s pretty safe too; you should never ride. Both sides do have good arguments because it is right in the middle. There are lots of things that go into the safety and danger of riding. Riding a motorcycle needs a lot of preparation and is fun but there are some safety aspects to it.  According to Campus Law Group, motorcyclists can be “27 times” more likely to be injured, which can be from either the motorcyclist fault or from other cars not being able to see you as well. There are some dangers on the roads. So while yes motorcyclists are more likely to be injured, as long as everyone stays careful everyone will be okay.

How can drivers be more careful and cautious of motorcyclists?

One thing for drivers is them not being able to see you at certain times. Campus Law Group, personal injury attorneys, strictly state how, “The smaller size of motorcycles makes them less visible to other drivers, thus increasing the risk of collisions. Sometimes, motorcycle accidents occur simply because other drivers fail to notice them on the road.” So as long as drivers are able to watch out for motorcyclists more and pay more attention

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