How necessary is a college education?
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Why college?
College, College, College. That’s all we hear about these days. Where are you going to college? What are you going to study? We never get told why college. College is a great opportunity. It has many pros and cons as everything does. One major pro is that if you are unsure of what you want, college can help you find the right path. There are many opportunities in college and it also looks great on a resume. Another pro to college is getting that “college experience.” You move away from your family and get to learn what it is like to be independent. According to Hannah Bareham, at Bank Rate, “The connections you’ll create in college with faculty, classmates, and members of clubs or student organizations will help you start building your professional network.” The college has many benefits to it but it also has many downfalls such as costs. College costs a lot. You are getting a great education, but college is not your only option.
Why trade?
Trade schools are a great option. You are able to get a good education on a topic you like and also be hands-on. You go straight into the workforce with this. You get that education without paying as much as college. If you know what you want to do, trade may be an excellent option for you. According to Doug Wintemute, Best colleges, “Smaller schools and groups may allow for more one-on-one time with career services professionals. Focused programs and career training also can help streamline the process.” Trade opens up your options. Trade lets you get real-world experience and be hands-on in the job.
Which is better?
Now you have heard what both options are. So which is better? Trade has benefits such as smaller classes, less time, and less money. College can offer many of the same things but you will never learn as much as you do in trade in such a short amount of time. College gives you experience and can open the door to many opportunities. According to Thomas Ferriere, Marketing Manager and Cheif Editor, “If you’re looking for job-specific skills, trade school is no doubt the better route, particularly when you factor in the cost of your education. Yet, if you’re interested in research or a general pursuit of knowledge, you may thrive in a traditional college setting.” This is a personal opinion on what a student will prefer and what resources they offer.
What resources for trade and college do schools offer?
Schools do offer a lot of information about colleges but how much is to provide about trades? Here in Ottawa County, we are fortunate to have the Careerline Tech Center. This is a great opportunity for students to try out different career paths. Colleges offer tours and set up booths to tell us all the great things about their programs. Schools have the resources for students to understand what their further options are. According to Indeed Editorial Team, “Both educational paths can help students find jobs with above-average salaries in their fields.” There are benefits to both and schools do a great job highlighting what’s to come after high school.
Is any further education necessary?
There are many options after high school. Some people join the military, some go trades, some do college, and some do nothing at all. There are options out there and they are personal opinions. The benefits of not continuing education are no more school and not having to pay for it. There are some downfalls though. According to The College of Health Care Professions, “As more people continue their education, the competition for high-paying, stable jobs will increase. Experience and education prove to employers your motivation and drive to succeed.” There are benefits for both but continuing your education will benefit you. According to College Board “In 2011, people with a bachelor’s degree who worked full-time earned $21,100 more, on average, than full-time workers with only a high school diploma.” You can make more with further education but is college worth it?
How necessary is a college education?
Now that we have covered everything, How necessary is a college education? College can contribute to many things in your life. College opens the door for you and makes many things possible. There are other options out there that opens the door. It is more realized now that college is not necessary for some career paths. This is being more recognized by the newer generations. According to Best College, Staff Writers, “Studies show that general happiness is influenced more dramatically by satisfaction with one’s work life than income. The constant demand for trade skills keeps wages high, but the greatest value of learning a trade might be embarking on an enriching career.” College may be necessary for what makes you happy but you need to do what is best for you and what makes you the happiest.
About the Contributor

Claire Vainavicz, Staff Writer
Claire Vainavicz is a Senior at Jenison. Claire plays softball for Jenison and a travel softball team. Claire is studying Emergency Medical Services at...