Andrea the very motherly mother

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What’s your favorite hobby? Doing anything that’s related to going out with the family.

What are some of your specialities? I’m good at cooking, specifically known for my taco salad.

What are your greatest pet peeves? When I ask someone to do something and they don’t.

What are you currently working on? In my personal life, I’m working on planning out my future since you’ll be in college soon, also how much longer I’ll be working at my job.

What stresses you out? When I’m behind in stuff. Like laundry, keeping the house clean, or just other Mother duties.

What’s something no one knows about you? I’ve won many medals and rewards when I played softball in highschool when I was younger.

What’s one thing that you could change about yourself? To not be so worried and overthink when you, your sister, or Dad are out and about somewhere.

What’s your favorite quote? “A negative mind will never give you a positive life”

What are you most passionate about? My relationship with god, and knowing that once I did, I’m safe in his hands. Also he can help you through rough patches in your life.

What’s something you’ve never been able to do? Playing volleyball. Everytime I tried it by arms would always bruise so easily to the point where I was always in pain.

What’s the most important thing in your life? Making sure that everyone in my family is getting along and that we don’t forget to spend quality time together.

What motivates you? Knowing that I’m working towards something, not just for nothing.

If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? John Stamos.