Jenison Senior Survivor

Senior Survivor, an entertaining and energetic competition between a group of seniors. This event consists of challenges, selling different items at school and spending the night at school. The goal of this event is to raise money for an organization to be able to donate to them. The first two years of Senior Survivor we donated to Pink Out. The third year we held Senior Survivor at Jenison we donated money hand-to-hand. This year we are yet to find out.
Senior Survivor is a fun event that everybody in the community gets involved in. For example the students that plan this event film videos each day to show community members what it looks like inside of the school at this time. The videos are shown at the elementary schools for the kids to be able to watch and look up to the upperclassmen of their school district. Also the people in the community get to see what goes on and advertises for the event.
Senior Survivor became an event at Jenison High School 3 years ago. This year will be the 4th, and it will be a successful year of donations and raising money to give back. Over the years we raised more and more money as people became more intrested in this event and wanted to be a part of it. Senior Survivor allows us to continued to be able to donate it back into the community to help others. We do fundrasing such as the seniors selling items to students and staff at school, go fund me accounts are made and also we worked with local fast food resturants.
The first year we raised $5,419, the second year we raised $8,636 and the third year we raised $29,160. The amout of progress that people see over the last 3 years leave them shocked and speechless. This event raised so much money in the last 3 years and we want to continue this event for years to come.
The event
The group of seniors that go through an application process, compete in multiple different challenges to help them raise more money. Each challenge grants a reward to the top 3 survivors at the end of the challenge. The past years the Senior Survivor committee will come and wake the seniors up to compete in an early morning challenge. Other challenges that happen consist of running, challenging your brain to solve something and also teamwork. We cannot wait for the competitions happening this year.
Over the last few years not many seniors apply for Senior Survivor. More students want to join when they become seniors. They show more intrest because they realize it is lots of fun and they should give it a try. This school year there were many who students applied, so an elimination process could take place. Student council cannot wait to see how this event become a big deal and have more people participate.
Becoming involved
Everyone at Jenison High School and in the community need to become involved in Senior Survivor in some way. Whether you become a survivor and compete in the challenges to raise money. You can donate to the cause by supporting your favorite senior survivors. We want to get everyone to become apart of this amazing event and hope it becomes a big deal.