Governor Whitmer Signs order Reopening Gyms and Pools.

Is Governor Whitmer taking a risk reopening the Gyms?
She signed an order to reopen gyms and pools. The gyms and pools closed since March. People now have the chance to get to the gym again doing their workouts, but there are rules that you have to follow to minimize the COVID-19 and to prevent COVID-19 in Michigan.
said Governor Whitmer Gym patrons need to give their name and phone number, or they can not enter the gym. Indoor pools limited at 25%, while outdoor pools remained capped at 50% to reduce the spread of COVID-19. High School Football Season already started in September 18. The association also noted competitions could start immediately for boys soccer and on Wednesday for girls swimming, diving, and volleyball. Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldun said Thursday. High School Athletes are at high risk of getting the COVID-19, especially the football season already started because it’s a contact and physical sport. Soccer are at risk too. Athletes now excited for their season but the question is, how long will the season last due to this pandemic going on right now?
All of us still need to be more safe. This virus is now stronger and deadlier, we need to stop that, we have to find a cure as soon as possible. Why do we need to reopen the gym? I get that to get the business back up and keep our economy on a steady pace. But it’s just risky to be inside the gym because people use the equipment, they get all sweaty after they use it and it’s all sweaty. Why can’t they just workout at home? Or outside their house? You can save time and money from driving all the way to the gym and coming back. You have to pay a monthly fee just to go there.

I'm Andre Mendoza. I go to Jenison High School and Im in 11th Grade. I like to read books (Historical Fiction, SciFi books, based on true story books)....