Exam Cram
What is the right way to study?
When midterm exams roll around it can be intense and nerve-racking. Jenison students prepare for their mid-term exams on January 15-18, 2019.
Alexander Graham Bell quotes that, “Before anything else, preparation is key to success.” There are many steps to preparing one to be successful in exams. You have to remain diligent, hardworking, and focused. In order to excel on exams, you must equip yourself with what you need to know.
Exams intimidate a number of students depending on your classes. When asked; how well do you think you will do on your exams?, many gave the impression to doubt their future achievement.
There are multiple ways to study for exams. Many find that Quizlet, family members, flashcards, and friends are a few favorite ways to study. Although, how you study is essential, what you use to fuel while studying is crucial. This fuel helps the brain to perform well in tasks such as academic work. Students prefer to use coffee, pop, and other foods to help them. Jessica Wilkins said, “Haha considering this is my first year taking AP classes not the greatest and senioritis is hitting me hard.”
Brianna Olney finds that the best fuel is, “Any caffeine or sugar helps me because it keeps me energized.”
Students study at different times for multiple reasons. Outside activities, clubs, sports, home life, and work, can all point to when you are able to study for your mid-terms. While it may seem tight coming off of Christmas break, Jenison students have to push themselves to prepare for their upcoming midterms. Students study for up to six exams and have just over a week to equip themselves. Students cram in their study time around everything else and can suffer from a lack of sleep. This can affect their brain function when it comes time for exams. While studying is tight, Jenison students manage to make it to exams.

Brianna Olney states that “you have to study in order to retain the information you learned throughout the year or else you won’t remember it.”
Much might avoid the importance of studying or wanting to perform well on their exams although it can have many consequences. You can flunk your class and have to retake it. This can lead to being held back or lacking the chance to walk with your class in May of your senior year. Procrastination and laziness are crummy for future jobs and can lead to some undesirable futures. Jenison students feel that studying is crucial for good grades on their exams and to pass their classes.
According to Sarah Potter, it is essential, “So you don’t end up working 3rd shift at McDonald’s the rest of your life in your parents’ basement.”
With midterms fast approaching, students use different strategies to prepare for their upcoming exams. Whether that be food, caffeine, Quizlet, family, or friends, students find individual ways to study that best fits their needs. Although many lack confidence, Jenison students are ready to put in the work and prepare for them to keep their grades improved and their futures bright.

With January mid-terms speeding up on us, if you have the right tools and put in the effort, you will have achievement and pass those exams with flying colors.