Girls in STEM return to an old location

Jenison Girls in STEM is a program that encourages young girls to study STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Girls in STEM provides support to high school girls who have an interest in STEM. Additionally, Girls in STEM encourages young girls to have an interest in STEM fields and to get involved in STEM at an early age.

The return of El Puente:

In past years Girls in STEM would visit five elementary schools (Pinewood, Rosewood, Bursley, Sandy Hill, and Bauerwood). Girls in STEM visit each elementary twice per school year with lower elementary in the first half and upper elementary in the second half.

Girls in STEM will expand to visit six elementary schools this year. In the past two years, El Puente has had to attend meetings at other schools. This year El Puente will have their own Girls in STEM meeting at their school.

JHS Girls in STEM supervisor, Alice Putti explains, “For the last two years, we haven’t had time to add a sixth elementary school to our schedule. Instead of going to the school, we allowed students from El Puente to attend a meeting at another school.”

Past and purpose:

Five years ago, two students came up with the idea of girls in STEM. Girls in STEM is a way to encourage girls throughout elementary and high school to study STEM fields. It helps girls learn more about STEM outside a classroom. It allows girls to help other girls expand their knowledge in STEM.

“In 2014 two sophomore students (Peyton Benac and Alex Stockholm) wanted to encourage girls to stay interested in STEM fields, so we started the Girls in STEM program, ” Putti.

The purpose of Girls in STEM is to help girls gain new opportunities in STEM field. The club build bonds between young girls that have similar interests in STEM. It encourages young girls to study STEM fields. Girls in STEM provides girls with multiple opportunities to learn more about STEM.

“The purpose of Girls in STEM is to encourage and expose girls to opportunities in different STEM fields and working to form networks of girls and women who share an interest in STEM, ” Girls in STEM student leader, Kate Boutell.


Girls in STEM is a great way to expose young girls to multiple opportunities in STEM fields. Additionally, girls gain close relationships with other girls who also share interests in STEM. Young girls are able to learn more about STEM unique ways. It takes learning about STEM outside a traditional classroom. Girls play STEM-based games and participate in fun activities to expand their knowledge of STEM. Girls in STEM have an Instagram page @jhsgirlsinstem where they post about upcoming meetings and spread awareness about the Girls in STEM club.

The expansion of the El Puente meetings to Girls in STEM will help young girls learn about STEM fields. It exposes the girls to STEM at a young age and helps them form bonds with other girls with passions for STEM. It will help expand the number of women in STEM careers and help the growth of STEM in the future by encouraging young girls to follow their passion for STEM.

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